
  • Борис Петрович Середа ДДТУ, Україна
  • Юрій Олександрович Бєлоконь
  • Ірина Василівна Кругляк
  • Дмитро Борисович Середа ДДТУ, Україна


Ключові слова:

process simulation, intermetallic alloys, porosity, thermochemical pressing, pressure, property


   In this paper, the simulation of the formation of porosity of titanium alloys under non-stationary temperature conditions was carried out. The purpose of the work is to establish the regularities of obtaining non-porous intermetallic alloys and products of a given form using the plastic properties of the product of synthesis at high temperatures. The mathematical modeling of the process was carried out in a specialized computer program. In solving the thermodeformation problem of thermochemical pressing of intermetallic alloys in a two-way seal in a computer program, the properties of the rheology of the synthesized intermetallic alloy σ = f (ε, u, T) were integrated. Analysis of the obtained dependence shows that when the compression pressure is increased from 200 to 700 MPa, the porosity decreases and reaches the values less than 5 %. With an increase in compression and aging effort of up to 20, the porosity also becomes less. The optimal ratio of selected factors of the research is at the pressure level of pressing — 630 MPa, the time of exposure is 20 seconds, and the dispersion of the titanium powder is 80 μm, the porosity of the sample is reduced to
1 ... 3 %.


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