
  • Дмитро Захарович Шматко Дніпровський державний технічний університет, Україна
  • Володимир Сергійович Авер’янов Дніпровський державний технічний університет, Україна
  • Олександр Олександрович Сасов Дніпровський державний технічний університет, Україна
  • Олег Георгійович Чернета Дніпровський державний технічний університет, Україна


Ключові слова:

bearing, non-destructive control, diagnostics, acoustic parameters, lubricants, laboratory setting


In the given work the method of noise-acoustic non-destructive control during carrying out of diagnostics of bearings of rolling of mats of wheels of cars is considered. The proposed non-destructive method of control provides an opportunity to check the efficiency of the selected lubricant, thereby increasing the life and performance of the bearings. A laboratory installation for the diagnosis of roller bearings has been created, which allows to obtain their acoustic parameters depending on the load of the bearing unit, the time of application and application of different types of lubricants in bearings. The mathematical model developed by the authors is aimed at determining the degree of wear of bearing shafts and allows them to predict their possible work life based on the received noise-acoustic parameters.


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