DOI:Ключові слова:
collector, traction electric motor, unsteady parameters, temperature-mechanical stressesАнотація
The article deals with the issues of calculation of unsteady temperature-mechanical stresses in the collectors of traction electric motors for technological and operational modes, which contributes to increasing the reliability and competitiveness of domestic electric locomotives.
The results of the theoretical study of the distribution of the temperature-mechanical forces in the traction motor's collectors are carried out for the most dangerous heavy transient modes, which include: dynamic formation of the collector at high temperature at an increased frequency of rotation; test of the engine produced at an increased frequency of rotation; start of the engine under load in nominal mode or at maximum load, limited class of insulation resistance of the collector.
The most research results are obtained for the process of manufacturing collectors of traction electric motors of main electric locomotives, but they can also be used for the technology of manufacturing electric machines for direct current with other operational purposes.Посилання
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