DOI:Ключові слова:
universe, energy, time, information, observerАнотація
The physical and mathematical model of the three-dimensional Universe, developed on the basis of the theory of volume numbers, is a self-realization of the singular point of the "Emptiness" in the energy-information-time field, the evolutionary processes in which are caused by the influence of not only the past on the future, but also the future on the past. The energy-information-time continuum is continuous, infinite and eternal in its essence, but discrete in observation, perception and implementation.Посилання
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Romaniuk A.D., & Romaniuk R.A. (2018). [Theoretical foundations of expansion of the numerical
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Romaniuk A.D., & Romaniuk R.A. (2018). [Mathematical model of the world] Problemi matematichnogo modelyuvannya.: materiali vseuk. nauk.-metod. konf.. 23-25 trav. 2018 – Problems of mathematical modeling: the materialsof the ukr. science-method. conf., 23-25 may. 2018. (pp. 6–9). Kam'yanske: DSTU [in English].
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