DOI:Ключові слова:
composite powder materials, diffusion, modeling, coatings, tungsten, vanadiumАнотація
The process of modeling the production of vanadium and tungsten coatings is an effective method of increasing the reliability and durability of machine parts, tools by creating protective layers on the surface of the workpiece, which have a unique set of physico-chemical properties.
One of the most effective methods of developing protective layers having high mechanical, physical and chemical characteristics is the diffusion saturation of the surface of the layers using composite powder materials.
The formation of protective coatings in composite saturation media occurs under non-stationary temperature conditions. The method of diffusion saturation of the solid phase surface in the active gas medium is based on the analysis of the requirements for the diffusion layer and the method of metal saturation is selected. The rates of chemical processes are determined by kinetic regularities that depend on both temperature and diffusion factors. This method provides high surface quality, is the simplest and most used in laboratory practice, reproduces well in production conditions, and does not require special sophisticated equipment to implement it.Посилання
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