DOI:Ключові слова:
hardness, SHS charge, temperature, special boundaries, wear resistanceАнотація
The mathematical modeling of the thermal process of forming the Armko-iron structure with the purpose of increasing the hardness and choosing the optimal charge composition is considered. Investigation of the mechanism of thermal process formation for ultra-low-alloy steel used the method of thermodynamic analysis of possible reactions between system components. For the thermal process, a universal program for the calculation of multicomponent heterogeneous TERRA systems based on the ASTRA-4 program is used. Unlike traditional methods in chemical thermodynamics, methods of calculating the equilibrium parameters using Gibbs energy, equilibrium constants, and Goldberg and Vage law, the universal program of TERRA thermodynamic calculations is based on the maximum entropy principle for isolated thermodynamics.
Using the methods of mathematical modeling, a rational charge composition was developed, and the shelf life of arco-iron in the furnace was determined with the aim of increasing hardness and durability.Посилання
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