
  • Борис Петрович Середа Dniprovsky State Technical University, Україна
  • Борис Хина Physics and Technology Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Білорусь
  • Ірина Василівна Кругляк Dniprovsky State Technical University, Україна
  • Дмитро Борисович Середа Dniprovsky State Technical University, Україна


Ключові слова:

composite saturating charge, border conditions, energy component of diffusion, conductive heat transfer, nonlinear unsteady equation


The problem of chemical-thermal treatment of steel using composite saturating charge ECD (Energy component of diffusion). In the system under consideration, a complex of processes occurs: wave propagation in the charge layer on the steel surface, non-stationary heat removal into the interior of the sample, and non-stationary diffusion of atoms of the saturating element deep into the steel under non-isothermal conditions. In this case, that part of the surface from which the diffusion saturation of steel occurs expands as the wave moves. In this work, the thermal conductivity l is not an additive, but a structure-dependent quantity. However, for simplicity, in the area where ECD occurs, the additive formula is usually adopted: l = lch(1–h) + lprh,  and for steel l = lst. For the i-th individual substance, a linear dependence of thermal conductivity on temperature was used: li(T) = l0 + lTT. After the ECD wave has reached the edge, i.e. the charge has fully reacted, the diffusion of atoms from the surface and conductive heat transfer in the steel continue during the holding time th. This problem is two-dimensional, nonstationary, and essentially nonisothermal.


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